Pride Check

Sermon Excerpt: Your biggest problem is your own sin from the sermon Behold the Covenant. To watch the entire sermon, click here.

Pride Check
. Consider the following questions which expose the fruit of pride in our lives.

Do you want to be well-known and important? Do you want to impress people? Don’t you do this with the clothing you wear, the vehicle you drive, the place you live, your house, the money you earn, food you eat, who you know, and what you know? Are not we driven want people to be impressed with us and give us approval? Do you like to talk about yourself? Are you deceptive in speaking about yourself, stretching the truth to put yourself in a better light? or not mentioning other things that would make other think lesser of you? Do you want recognition or credit for what you do? Are you bent out of shape when people don’t credit you or acknowledge your work or effort? Do you want to be self-sufficient? Do you want to be independent? Are you insecure or sensitive? Are you easily offended? If yes, then this is the fruit of pride!

Do you compare yourself to others? Do you feel deserving for what you have? Do you feel deprived of what you think you should have? Are you ungrateful? Are you envious of others? Is it hard to admit you don’t know something? Do you interrupt people? Do you wait for someone to finish speaking without listening carefully just so you can say what you want next? When you listen to a sermon, are you thinking that others need to hear this? Are you unteachable? Have you listened to many sermons and read much truth but are relatively unaffected? Do you have a hard time admitting that you’re wrong? To you resent people who correct you? Are you easily irritated or angered? Are you prone to conflict with others? Do you have a history of broken relationships? Are you critical of others? Are you judgmental? Are you self-willed or stubborn? Are you unaccountable? And finally, are you right now working on a defense because you think you’re pretty humble and have reasons why some of these sins show in your life? This is all pride and the fruit of pride.

This is just a small sin is it not? You’re more sinful than you’ve ever realized. The good news is, the God who speaks the earth into existence, and who gives life, has given his Servant, his Son, to bring light, life, forgiveness, and freedom from pride and sin. Praise the Lord!