Pastoral Reflections on the Freedom Convoy

The following video offers pastoral reflections on the Freedom Convoy and the protesting of COVID mandates that have affected so many people over the past two years.

Some Christians have too much hope in the result of this protest and others think it sinful. Here are a few points to consider.

1) “Protestant” Christians shouldn’t be immediately repulsed by protest.

2) Supporting freedom, whether for informed consent or the livelihoods (i.e., lives), is loving your neighbor.

3) Standing for truth is always right.

4) Defending the oppressed and needy is righteous. The toll of mandates has far surpassed the effect of the virus.

5) We desire God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We want abortion to end, slavery to cease, and governments to operate within their biblical bounds.

6) This is an opportunity for the gospel of Christ. The longing for freedom is only satisfied in Christ.