Unity in the Cross

May 31, 2015 ()

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 |


In this text, Paul begins to address divisions in the church at Corinth. We learn the nature of unity and the basis of unity from this text. As Christians we must keep the main thing the main thing. It is the gospel that will unity and keep us moving forward together.

Consider the following:

1. I think everyone would agree that unity is a good thing. Do you contribute to unity in the church? Do you see that minimizing truth to encourage unity actually undermines true biblical unity? Are you daily conforming your mind to what the Scriptures teach so that we can be of the same mind and judgment?

2. When method takes priority over substance, we can empty the gospel of its power. That's because people are converted not to Christ, but to something else. People can be won to community, music, experience, without turning to Christ. Have you experienced this in your own life? Are you in this (being a Christ follower) for God or something else?

3. What are the essentials in proclaiming the whole gospel? What is the gospel that you cling to? Are you confident to share it?