The Final Judgment

July 14, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 25:31-46 |


How many judgments are there? What do they look like? How will they be decided? Here we explore this important and oft neglected topic.

In this sermon we consider Jesus' teaching on the final judgment. We see from Scripture that there is one final judgment to take place at the return of Christ. All people, both Jew and Gentile, believer and unbeliever, will gather before Jesus to be judged. Some gaining eternal reward, others eternal punishment.

This judgment exposes all motivations and intentions. It considers every thought, word, and deed. Most tragic is the many who will be condemned who thought they were followers of Jesus.

There was a handout made available for the sermon that demonstrates there is one coming judgment. While some teach separate judgments for separate people at separate times, such cannot be sustained when looking at the text itself. This handout is available here.