I Know My Redeemer Lives

March 8, 2020 ()

Bible Text: Job 19 |


We consider one of the most famous expressions of trust in God that Job utters. I know my Redeemer lives. How can Job have such hope in God when all the evidence seems contrary to this kind of hope? How does Job's understanding of God's sovereignty bring him to this point of faith?

What we see is that a sovereign God makes grace and mercy possible. He can bind up, but he call also set free. Most amazing for us is that the very things that Job longs for, we have in Christ! May this encourage us to see Christ as our only hope!

Questions for your consideration:
1. Are you one given to ingratitude, entitlement, pride, and a judgmental spirit? Have you replaced the true God with the views of Bildad where God ensures people always get what they deserve?
2. Is your hope in your own actions or beliefs? Or is your hope in the living Redeemer that is Christ? What gives you confidence of your standing before God?
3. How does the sovereignty of God provide the only basis for grace and mercy? If God is not sovereign in our salvation, why are grace and mercy nullified?