God? Disease, Suffering, and Death

March 29, 2020 ()

Bible Text: Luke 13:1-9 |

When calamity strikes, it is common to consider God's plan and power. Is God responsible? Is this judgment? How can he allow this? How can he be glorified in this? Won't this turn people away from him? Why doesn't he do something?

In this sermon, we consider the scriptural witness that God is in absolute control over all things, including suffering. But rather than be a detriment to faith, this undergirds and raises our faith! We consider six ways God's love, wisdom, and power come together through suffering to bring us to him.

Questions for your consideration:
1. God is in absolute control. We are not robots. Can you demonstrate these truths from Scripture?
2. What is most comforting to you that God is in control, even in suffering?
3. With the reminder of mortality, and with it the reminder of the judgment against sin, what areas of your life require repentance and turning to God?