If God, Why Evil?

What we see is that denying God or attributing evil to man's free will is unsatisfactory experientially and unsatisfactory according to the Bible. Rather God has ordained evil and suffering to display his glory. We see this primarily in the death of Jesus Christ that was planned as a sacrifice for sin before the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8; Eph 1:3-11; 2 Tim 1:8-9; Acts 2:22-23; 4:27-28; 1 Pet 1:18-20). This means that, incredibly, sin was part of God's plan to the praise of his glorious grace (Eph 1:5-6, 11-12, 14).

This certainly can be a mind-bender when we hear the biblical truth of God, Evil, and Suffering. Consider the following:

1. How does Genesis 50:20 help us understand that God ordained evil but yet is free from sin? When we are left with further questions, what does God's words in Job 38-41 teach us?

2. How does a lack of knowledge to account for every act of suffering in our lives or in the world affect you? Are you quick to see it all as God's judgment? Are you quick to see it as a sign that you need to change directions in your life? Are you angered at personal suffering because you can't see a good reason for it? Does it cause you to trust in a big God who is control of all things and works all things (including suffering and evil) together for good for those who love him (Rom 8:28)?

3. When you are experiencing suffering or the effects of evil, what do you turn to? Do you desire escape and so watch TV, a movie, or browse the web? Do you desire relief and so eat or drink to bring comfort? Do you remember how big God is? That he is in control of every molecule and has suffered himself to the point of death on a cross for your sake? Do you long for a new heaven and new earth where suffering and sin are no more?