Preparing for Baptism

To be a member at Fairview Baptist Church you must be baptized as a believer. The New Testament pattern is faith and repentance towards Christ followed by being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit.

For those desiring baptism, this is the procedure we follow at Fairview:

  1. You will meet with the elders to share your testimony and desire to be baptized. The elders want to be sure that you have experienced the saving grace of God and you understand what it means to be baptized.
  2. A date will then be chosen for the baptism.
  3. On the day of baptism, after the preaching of the word, you’ll come into the baptismal tank that it behind the pulpit (in the summer, we also do baptisms in the river).
  4. You’ll be asked to share your testimony to the church. This is a public proclamation of how Jesus has saved you and an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus. Click here for help in preparing a testimony.
  5. After your testimony, an elder will baptize you by immersing you under the water, baptizing you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  6. After this, you have been baptized in the pattern established almost 2000 years ago when our Lord Jesus walked this earth!

Some Practical Considerations to Keep in Mind

  • Make sure you bring a change of clothes that can get wet.
  • Bring a towel to dry off after you come out.
  • Be sure to prepare your testimony and have it on paper if you need it.
  • The clothes you wear for baptism should be modest. Not see-through or overly snug.